Attorney Steven Ballin's Lectures
Attorney Steven Ballin has lectured to local and statewide police organizations for over fifteen years in an effort to educate police officers about their rights to additional compensation when injured on duty and about important steps they can take now to protect themselves for the future. These lectures can be as short as 20 minutes and will fit conveniently within your regularly scheduled union or association meeting. Local unions and associations invite Attorney Steven Ballin to their meetings because:
- Speaks from his heart in language officers understand and appreciate
- Understands the personal and financial challenges of injured officers
Police officers who have attended these lectures are typically shocked about the rights they didn’t know they had and practical steps they can take right now to protect themselves for the future. They have appreciated the time Attorney Ballin has taken to debunk and explain the source of the many myths which have prevented injured police officers from seeking additional compensation in the past.; Such myths include “it’s a waste of time”, “we’re not allowed to do it”, “the chief will be upset” , “I’ll have to stay out of work longer”, and “the Town or City will take the whole thing.”
A few of the highlights of the legal workshop are:
- Laws which provide for additional compensation when injured on duty;
- Two ways to recover lost overtime and detail pay;
Officers interested in scheduling a workshop or to learn more details can contact Attorney Steven Ballin directly at or telephone him at (800) 245-2052.
Click HERE for a list of departments lectured
“Excellent - very important information all police officers should learn about.” - Massachusetts Police Association
“I really enjoyed this presentation by Atty. Ballin. . . a wealth of knowledge. . . very helpful . . . always learn something new.” - Cambridge Police Patrol Officers Association
“Excellent presentation, very informative.” - Millbury Police, MassCop Local 128
Click HERE for more comments from officers that have attended the lectures.